Monday, July 16, 2012

You're Only as Old as You Look...Feel...Look.

In 1962 the average life expectancy for an adult living in the United States was just over 70 years. Today, fifty years later, the average life expectancy according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention is 78.5 years.  With advances in medicine, healthcare and education we are living longer and doing more as we age then we ever have before... some people even go so far as to say that 50 is the new 30.

While we may be living longer, how do we look while doing it? Who cares if 50 is the new 30 if our skin is telling everyone that we are much older than we look or feel? During the summer many of us turn to tanning, exercise or new clothes to make us look and feel younger and more attractive. Few of us, however, think about what our skin says about our age until it is too late.

A 69 year old truck driver who has severe sun damage to one side of his face from years of sun exposure

According to the Skin Cancer Foundation, up to 90 percent of the visible changes commonly attributed to aging are caused by the sun...that means you can blame all those wrinkles that you hate so much on all the time you spent in the sun when you were younger. In fact exposure to the sun can cause: freckles, age spots, spider veins on the face, rough and leathery skin, fine wrinkles that disappear when stretched, loose skin, a blotchy complexion and actinic keratoses. This type of aging, caused by sun exposure, is called "photoaging." Younger people are at risk of photoaging as well, in fact people as young as 20 can start to show sun induced signs of aging. 

Every year Americans spend more than $10 billion on plastic surgery with the majority of the budget going towards procedures aimed at reducing the signs of aging. From anti-aging creams, to cosmetics and surgeries overall, Americans spend about $30 billion a year to regain their youth. The good news is that you don't need to worry about spending all that money later if you take care of your skin now. At our office we carry a superior skin care line including products made especially to protect your skin against harmful UV rays. 

Glytone, sold exclusively through physicians, is a product that was born in the United States in 1943 by two pharmacists who wanted to create a skincare line that produced younger, healthier looking skin. In keeping with that tradition, Glytone developed a perfect summer sunscreen lotion (SPF 40) and sunscreen spray mist (SPF 50). Both are fragrance-free, oil-free and non-irritating while the mist has the added benefit of being water resistant.  

If you come into our office and purchase either the lotion or the mist, we will throw in a free collapsible beach mat for all your summer adventures. In addition, everyone who buys a bottle of the Glytone sunscreen lotion will receive a family set of UV Sun Sense bracelets. The Sun Sense bracelets warns by color change when to reapply sunscreen and when to get out of the sun. Simply slip on the bracelet, put your sunscreen on as you normally would (including on the bracelet) and then go about your day as your bracelet changes color to warn you when you need more sunscreen and when you've had enough sun. All these products are available for purchase today and we strongly recommend investing in professional and proven suncreen products this summer. 

Remember: you're never too young to start investing in your skin care.

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